
For singers in
Grade 1 – Grade 2
Love to sing and learn through play
Are open to all types and styles of music
No prior musical experience necessary



We teach utilizing the Kodály philosophy which means we want all musicians to have a well-trained ear, a well-trained hand (voice), a well-trained head and a well-trained heart. We teach music the same way babies learn to talk. First through hearing and experiencing, moving on to understanding and practicing our skills in context. BYC focuses on quality repertoire from various folk and art traditions that choristers love to sing and we’re always up for some silly fun!

In Prima Choir, we are learning what it means to sing together. Choristers practice vocal exploration to discover the range of their voice, how to control our voice and have it perform how we want it to. We also work on blending our voices, so we start to sound like a choir rather than individuals. Additional goals for the group are based on the students in front of us. As we get to know your kids, we’ll work on pitch matching, vocal blend, basic solfege and rhythm skills, following a score and singing in multiple parts. We love finding music to challenge these budding musicians and are always focused on joyful community music making.

Choristers in Prima should be ready to listen to an instructor, work in both large and small groups, enjoy singing, and have basic reading skills.

New Choristers are accepted at the start of our Fall and January enrollment periods.

Stay in tune with choir details

Overview of rehearsal days, times, and fees

Class Options
6:00 – 7:00 pm
4:50 – 5:50 pm
6:00 – 7:00 pm
Quarterly Retreats
Annual Dues
/yr. per singer
/mo. per singer
Billed from September – June of the following school year.
Concert Tickets
Tickets for audience members at Mainstage concerts
Concert Black provided by chorister for the 2024-2025 season.
Additional Fees
Any costs associated with outreach or tours
Financial Assistance
BYC strives to make music education accessible for all. Please contact us at for information about scholarships.

Cross of Christ Lutheran Church
411 156th Ave NE
Bellevue, WA 98007

Please note that we are not a religiously affiliated organization.
Contact Us
(425) 477-9209
If written notice is given …
… by August 30th, the family is only responsible for the $60 nonrefundable registration fee/annual dues.
… between September 1st and September 15th, the family is responsible for the $60 nonrefundable registration fee and September tuition.
… between September 16th and December 31st, the family is responsible for the $60 nonrefundable registration fee and September – December tuition.**
… by January 15th, the family is responsible for the $60 nonrefundable registration fee and September – January tuition.
… after January 15th, the family is responsible for the remainder of the season.

Withdrawal Policy

In the event a chorister must withdraw from the group, BYC does not offer refunds for registration fees.
BYC has open enrollment until the end of September and again in the month of January. Our cancellation policy is centered around those dates, our Mainstage concerts, and being able to fill vacancies. Many of our younger choirs are at capacity.
When students join and suddenly drop mid-season, it negatively impacts the entire class and prevents an interested potential chorister from joining us. Think of it like signing up for a semester activity (with the exception of Prelude (September – January.)
In the event a chorister must withdraw from the group, BYC does not offer refunds for registration fees.
BYC has open enrollment until the end of September and again in the month of January. Our cancellation policy is centered around those dates, our Mainstage concerts, and being able to fill vacancies. Many of our younger choirs are at capacity.
When students join and suddenly drop mid-season, it negatively impacts the entire class and prevents an interested potential chorister from joining us. Think of it like signing up for a semester activity (with the exception of Prelude (September – January.)


I say that BYC is amazing because it is inclusive, it has been a part of my life for a long time, and I just love it!


I love BYC! I like singing the music. The teachers are amazing!

Intermezzo Chorister

Choir is awesome because you get to learn a lot of really cool songs. You also get practice at singing.

Intermezzo Chorister

I like when we do games at the end sometimes. I like being able to interact while singing. It’s one of my favorite things to do.

Intermezzo Chorister

BYC is great because they establish friendships, and the instructors are patient with the students.


The BYC has been such a positive experience for my daughter. She’s learned valuable musical skills and also had a lot of fun!

Intermezzo Choir

I <3 choir!

Prima Chorister

BYC is so musical, the instructors are so supportive and their teaching is so effective! I really have loved being with BYC so far. Choir is highly enjoyable!

Intermezzo Chorister

What I like BYC people there are very kind. There’s lots of humor and singing is great.

Intermezzo Chorister

Thank you

We greatly appreciate the generosity of our sponsors
HKM Employment Attorneys LLP
4 Culture
City of Bellevue
Community Accelerator Logo
National Endowment for the Arts
This program is supported, in part, by a Sustained Support grant from 4Culture, the Community Accelerator Grant funded by the Paul G. Allen Family Foundation, and a City of Bellevue Arts Partnership. We are a proud member of the Greater Seattle Choral Consortium, Bellevue Chamber of Commerce, and Downtown Bellevue Association.
Community sponsors include Amazon, Crossroads Mall, HKM Employment Attorneys, and Zenbusiness.