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I say that BYC is amazing because it is inclusive, it has been a part of my life for a long time, and I just love it!
I love BYC! I like singing the music. The teachers are amazing!
Choir is awesome because you get to learn a lot of really cool songs. You also get practice at singing.
I like when we do games at the end sometimes. I like being able to interact while singing. It’s one of my favorite things to do.
BYC is great because they establish friendships, and the instructors are patient with the students.
The BYC has been such a positive experience for my daughter. She’s learned valuable musical skills and also had a lot of fun!
I <3 choir!
BYC is so musical, the instructors are so supportive and their teaching is so effective! I really have loved being with BYC so far. Choir is highly enjoyable!
What I like BYC people there are very kind. There’s lots of humor and singing is great.