December MainStage Concert video
A note from our Board President
"Dear Parents,
Seeing your children on stage again in December was so exciting! I had goosebumps! Our last mainstage concert was in December 2019. We are thrilled to see your choristers back and singing great.
On behalf of the Board of Directors and BYC staff, THANK YOU for being part of our program. Spread the word – BYC is a great place for your kids to learn, share enthusiasm for music and develop self-assurance through these Mainstage concerts."
Bill Brueggemann, President
BYC Board of Directors
What do people have to say about BYC? Listen to chorister and staff testimonials through the playlist here or below.
Jordan, age 8: "I love singing because it makes your voice higher and you get to sing different cultures' songs."
Ms. Ginger Ellingson, former director of the Premier Choir: "I love this group because of the passion and dedication I see in my students. They bring joy and energy and goofiness and's a privilege to get to be part of their musical lives."
Talia, age 12: "Singing makes me feel happy, joyful,'s like a part of me."
Sandra, parent of two choristers: Yay for BYC for always providing a safe, nurturing place for kids to grow and learn and join a loving community that seeks to enrich their lives as they learn to hone their skills, and then share those skills with others, enriching the lives of all who hear them.
Virtual and livestreamed performances
For the 2020-21 season, BYC offered two virtual choir concerts. Watch those and other livestreams here or below.
Tour performances
Hear BYC perform in competitions and on tour. Listen through the playlist here or below.