
UK Tour Blog: Day Four


A number of Touristers began the day with Mrs. Headrick by walking through a local park called the Hermitage. Good morning!

Everyone had to get up and ready for the day with an early lunchtime concert at Saint Giles Cathedral, the first cathedral performance of the tour. After dressing in concert attire, the Touristers made their way by coach to the cathedral for dress rehearsal and to try out the acoustics of the space. 

Some cathedral visitors recognized the "Bellevue" name and stopped to listen - turns out that they have relatives nearby home in the Seattle area! What a small world. 

After the concert the Touristers had some free time to explore Edinburgh for their last day in the city. One group went to the Museum of Scotland to see some dinosaurs! 

Tomorrow begins the trek across to England, with stops for lunch and adventures in Keswick and Ambleside along the way. Cheers, Edinburgh!